Sabtu, 15 September 2012

A Few Tips Before Building Granny Flats

If you are thinking of not sending your folks out to a nursing home, then, it is a must to provide them with a decent flat to live in. It may be easier to just let them stay within your home, but this might not be the best option. Talking it over with your parents or grandparents can help you decide on whether or not to get them their very own granny flat. However, you need to know a few things even before you search for one.

First of all, you need to look at the available extra space within your residential lot. If you are eyeing your backyard, then, it is one are to consider. You must measure the dimensions and draft a sketch of your extra space in order to determine the ideal size and shape of the granny flat you will build within the area.

Next is to know the council policies in your area. The local government office is one place to check with such council regulations that are specific on building homes and similar constructions. You may need to talk to a city planner and building engineer in order to secure the proper documents needed for your granny flat.

The company where you'll get your kit can help you with the building permit and they may also have this service, so it's best to ask them right on before you purchase anything. The company may also provide you with the much-needed info and advice regarding securing permits.

The next thing to do next is to find a few granny flat options for your folks. Take note of their preferences, but also discuss with them the best possible options based on the measurements you took earlier. Some families go for the cabin type with a single story because most elderly folks find it difficult to climb up the stairs. Consider the safety and convenience of your parents or grannies first and foremost, so you'll end up with an ideal flat for them to enjoy and benefit from.

Ensuring the comfort and safety of your parents or grandparents should be your top priority when choosing a granny flat for them. You should also consider the possibility of hiring a nurse or caregiver in the future, so it is essential to look for a flat that can accommodate at least three people.

Involve your folks in the selection of the style of their future flat. Just remember all the necessary guidelines to ensure your folks' safety and comfort are always prioritized.

Looking for granny flats options and some more tips in building one? Visit Valley Kit Homes website to get more information and to see their selection of flats and kit homes.

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